News Brief #1: The Horizon Results Booster: Services and activities carried out

In order to improve the dissemination and exploitation of the project’s results, FORESIGHT benefitted from the services of the Horizon Results Booster, an initiative funded by the European Commission available to EU-funded projects.

Horizon Results Booster

The Horizon Results Booster is a service available free of charge for ongoing or closed projects funded under FP7, Horizon2020 or Horizon Europe. The service is managed by the European Commission and aims to continuously bring innovation to the market and ensure a maximum impact of EU-funded research projects.

As part of the Horizon Results Booster, projects can choose from a variety of services related to dissemination and exploitation, business plan development and marketing. Within these main modules, the services can be chosen and adapted according to the specific needs of the project or project group applying.

Out of the variety of services offered by the Horizon Results Booster, FORESIGHT benefitted from two modules: Results Portfolio (including the creation of a project group, building new connections and synergies, and joint dissemination actions) and Joint Dissemination Plan & Delivery (including a plan of action, joint dissemination materials, online training and dissemination actions).

The project group & joint activities

The project group formed through the Horizon Results Booster consists of three H2020-funded projects: CONCORDIA, FORESIGHT and SPIDER. All three projects focus on innovative cyber security training, with a special focus on cyber ranges.

Services provided to the project group included the creation of two reports, a Portfolio of Research and Innovation Results and a Portfolio Dissemination Plan. As part of these reports, key results of the projects, their end users and possible challenges were defined. Furthermore, joint dissemination approaches were proposed.

The project group conducted several joint activities as part of the service of the Horizon Results Booster. These included the following:

  • A webinar;
  • A social media campaign;
  • A policy brief disseminated by the European Commission;
  • A joined video pill;
  • A fact sheet giving an overview of the project group and its key results.
