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The Cyber-MAR aims to develop an innovative cybersecurity simulation environment for accommodating the peculiarities of the maritime sector while, being easily applicable in other transport subsectors, with the view to fully unlock the value of the use of cyber range in the maritime logistics value chain. To achieve its objectives, Cyber-MAR platform will be both a knowledge-based platform & a decision support tool to cybersecurity measures, towards providing business continuity management.


CyberMAR Project website


SPIDER ( a cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services ) is an Innovation Action (IA) project under the EU’s Framework Programme “Horizon 2020”.SPIDER delivers an innovative Cyber Range as a Service (CRaaS) platform that extends and combines the capabilities of existing telecommunication testbeds and cyber ranges with the most recent advances in telecommunications management and emulation, gamification and serious games training as well as economics of cybersecurity. The SPIDER project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 EU research & innovation programme under GA No 833685.


SPIDER Project website