News Brief #4: The FORESIGHT training environment for the Aviation Domain professionals

The training path of the Aviation pilot was based on the successful delivery of seven training modules. These modules make up the FORESIGHT Aviation training curricula and were organized in three levels (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advance).

  • Beginner Level
  • A1 – Taxonomy of cyber-attacks and best practices for International Airport Operators (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam) 
  • A2 – Airport IT Infrastructure and Operational processes (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam and Cyber Range practical exercise)
  • A3 – Supervision & Alerting, Incident Handling (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam)
  • Intermediate Level
  • A4 Security information Event Management fundamentals (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam) 
  • A5 Operator SOP for response and recovery from cyber-attack (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam and Cyber Range practical exercise)
  • Advanced Level
  • A6 – Basic Concepts of Cryptography, Digital Forensics, and Network Security (Instructor-Based with multiple choice questions evaluation exam and Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge in the Training Environment)
  • A7 – Analyst Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for response and recovery from cyber-attack (Instructor-Based with Cyber Range practical exercise)

The design of the FORESIGHT certification programme aligns with the ENISA, NIST, and ISO17024 guidelines​. The preparation of the training collateral was based on the specific cybersecurity operations applied in the Aviation domain, as well as on the relevant state-of-the-art processes and best practices implemented against cybersecurity incidents, encountered in the Aviation sector.

The FORESIGHT Aviation pilot was the first one to be executed in the project’s pilot series. All the modules of the aviation training curricula were delivered online, including the instructor-based material and the training exercises. It is worth mentioning that the quizzes that were used for evaluation purposes, as well as the CTF exercises have time constraints for completion.

Each Training Module was evaluated in a two-fold manner, that is assessing whether the particular training objectives were accomplished and the training content was comprehensive and evaluating the training experience and the developed training platform based on the participants’ feedback.   Finally, certificates were issued to the trainees that successfully managed to complete the training programme. Several registered users completed the Beginner level training path (A1 – A3), achieving the Cybersecurity Common (CCA) certificate. Whereas less users advanced to the next level and completed the Intermediate level training path (A4, A5), obtaining the Cybersecurity Operator (COA) certificate, and only two users reached the Cybersecurity Analyst (CAA) certificate, successfully completing the overall Aviation training program.