FORESIGHT Kick off Meeting – October 2019, Athens Greece

FORESIGHT Project Kick off Meeting


KEMEA being the Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 Foresight Project, successfully organized between 1 – 2 October 2019, the project Kick off Meeting in Athens, Greece. The meeting was attended by 50 representatives of FORESIGHT Consortium. During the KoM the project partners discussed the planned work and decided about the near future actions taken within the framework of the project.


FORESIGHT is a research project funded by Horizon2020 EU’s new research and innovation programme, with the aim to develop a federated cyber-range solution to enhance the preparedness of cybersecurity professionals at all levels and advance their skills towards preventing, detecting, reacting and mitigating sophisticated cyber-attacks. The project with duration of 36 months (1 October 2019 – 30 September 2021) and a total budget of 7.3 Million Euros brings together leading European research/academic institutions, governmental organisations, industrial partners and legal partners.


The FORESIGHT project’s scope is to deliver an ecosystem of networked realistic training and simulation platforms that collaboratively bring unique cyber-security aspects from the aviation, smart grid and naval domains. The proposed platform will extend the capabilities of existing cyber-ranges and will allow the creation of complex cross-domain/hybrid scenarios to be built jointly with the IoT domain. Emphasis is given on the design and implementation of realistic and dynamic scenarios that are based on identified and forecasted trends of cyberattacks and vulnerabilities extracted from cyber-threat intelligence gathered from the dark web; this will enable cybersecurity professionals to rapidly adapt to an evolving threat landscape.


The development of advanced risk analysis and econometric models will prove to be valuable in estimating the impact of cyber-risks, selecting the most appropriate and affordable security measures, and minimising the cost and time to recover from cyber-attacks. Innovative training curricula, guiding cyber-security professionals to implement and combine security measures using new technologies and established learning methodologies, will be created and employed for training needs; they will be linked to professional certification programs and be supported by learning platforms. Aside from the development of skills, the project aims at a holistic approach to cyber-threat management with the ultimate goal of cultivating a strong security culture. As such, the project puts considerable emphasis on research and development (i.e. research on cyber-threats, development of novel ideas, etc) as the key to increasing training dynamics and awareness methods for exceeding the rate of evolution of cyber-attackers.


The FORESIGHT consortium is comprised by 21 partners from academia and industry (both SMEs and large industry players are involved). Consortium partners reside in 9 EU member states, namely Greece (4), United Kingdom (3), France (3), Luxembourg (2), Germany (1), Cyprus (1), Bulgaria (5), Austria (1) and Estonia (1). As shown in the following tables, there a balance both in terms of organization types, research (9), SMEs (5) and industrial (7) partners, and in terms of entities’ legal status, public (9) vs. private (12). It is worth noting that the requested EU contribution is also balanced between the research partners (all of them being public entities) and the industrial partners (which are private entities), 45% to 55% respectively.


Project Details

Project No: 833673

Start Date: 01/10/2019

Project Duration: 36 months